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Unlock the full potentialof your job offer

Understand every detail, compare industry standards, and negotiate with confidence.

Congrats on your job offer! Now let's make sure you're getting the deal you deserve. Powered by AI, Airdocs breaks down everything from salary to stock options, so you can confidently navigate your negotiations and maximize your compensation.

Don't leave money on the table. Our AI-driven analysis provides a clear picture of your entire package, from base salary to equity. We compare your offer to industry standards and deliver personalized advice on how to negotiate better terms — all in just a few clicks.

Get clarity faster. Simply upload your offer, and within seconds, you'll have a full breakdown along with actionable steps to improve it. No more confusion over legal jargon or wondering if you're being underpaid.

90% of users feel more confident in negotiations.

500+ offers analyzed.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars in hidden compensation uncovered.

Focus on landing the job — we'll handle the details. Whether you're a recent grad or an experienced pro, we're here to help you secure the best deal every time.